Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

7 Mata Uang dengan Kisah Unik

Sebagai alat pembayaran, uang punya sejarah yang panjang. Selain itu, banyak juga kisah menarik dan aneh tentangnya. Ada uang dalam bentuk batu, kayu, bahkan kulit tupai. Lebih lengkapnya simak 7 kisah mata uang yang unik di bawah ini.

1. Uang pecahan terbesar (Hungaria)
Inilah pecahan mata uang pemegang rekor sampai saat ini. Dicetak oleh Hungaria pada tahun 1946 dengan nominal 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengo. Ya! Seratus juta triliun Pengo dengan kurs saat itu hanya sekitar 20 US cent. Lihat saja, sampai jumlah nolnya pun tidak mungkin tercetak di sana.

2. Modifikasi Uang Karena Kudeta (Zaire)
Saat rezim Joseph Mobutu dikudeta pada tahun 1997 di Zaire (yang sekarang bernama The Democratic Republic of the Congo) Pemerintahan yang baru saat itu terlalu sibuk untuk mendesain dan mencetak uang baru selain karena jumlah uang saat itu terbatas pula.

3. Kulit tupai (Rusia)
Di beberapa abad silam, kulit tupai merupakan uang yang sah digunakan di Rusia. Bahkan beberapa bagian dari tupai mati ini seperti kuping, hidung, dan kuku-kukunya berfungsi sebagai “receh”. Kemungkinan Rusia saat itu bisa terbebas dari penyakit-penyakit yang ditularkan satwa.

4. Uang kumpulan voucher (vietnam)
Jika kita pernah berpikir bahwa uang bisa membeli segalanya, ternyata tidak. Uang Vietnam di tahun 70an ini berlaku sebagai kumpulan potongan voucher yang hanya bisa digunakan untuk membeli pakaian dan perlengkapannya.

Mungkin jika kita harus memotong salah satu bagian untuk membayar baju, sebagian lagi untuk membayar celana, dan sebagian lagi untuk ikat pinggang.

5. Koin perak plus bonus air suci (Kep. Palau)
Jika di uang kertas USD ada “In God We Trust”, negara kepulauan Palau selangkah lebih maju. Negara ini pada tahun 2007 mencetak koin perak dengan gambar perawan suci dan menyertakan bonus botol kecil berisi beberapa tetes air suci dari sebuah mata air suci di Lourdes Perancis.

Negara ini pernah pula menyertakan mutiara, bahkan batu meteor pada uang koinnya. Perak dan air suci, hmm apakah negara ini ada masalah dengan serangan vampire dan werewolf ?

6. Uang dari batu (Pulau Yap, Kep. Solomon)
Di pulau Yap, sebuah pulau di Kepulauan Solomon, Anda akan menemukan “uang” terbesar dan teraneh di dunia : batu rai (semacam batu kapur). Uang ini berbentuk lingkarang dengan diameter 12 kaki dan berat 8 ton.

Entah sejarah atau kepercayaan apa yang menyebabkan masyarakat di Pulau Yap ini sangat mensakralkan batu ini, mungkin sama seperti masyarakan modern sangat mengagungkan batu emas.

Karena jenis batu ini tidak bisa ditemui di Pulau Yap, masyarakat Pulau Yap rela mengorbankan nyawa mereka untuk berpetualang mencari batu ini.

Tahukah kamu? Nilai nominal dari batu ini dinilai bukan hanya berdasarkan ukuran, tapi juga dinilai berdasarkan pengorbanan mendatangkannya ke Pulau Yap, termasuk jumlah nyawa yang melayang karena pengorbanan tersebut.

Karena bentuknya besar, uang ini dibiarkan tergeletak di luar rumah pemiliknya, bahkan kadang di hutan. Meski tergeletak di mana saja, orang2 pasti mengetahui siapa pemiliknya saat ini. Apabila terjadi pergantian kepemilikan, akan dilakukan dalam upacara tertentu.

Tentu saja itu jaman dulu. Pemerintah setempat telah melarang batu-batu uang ini keluar dari Pulau.


7. Uang dari lembaran kayu (Jerman)
Pernah digunakan sebagai uang darurat di jerman semasa pemulihan pasca Perang Dunia I. Saking daruratnya, uang dicetak juga dari alumunium foil, kain sutra, bahkan kartu remi sisa-sisa perang.

Sebagai alat pembayaran, uang punya sejarah yang panjang. Selain itu, banyak juga kisah menarik dan aneh tentangnya. Ada uang dalam bentuk batu, kayu, bahkan kulit tupai. Lebih lengkapnya simak 7 kisah mata uang yang unik di bawah ini.

1. Uang pecahan terbesar (Hungaria)
Inilah pecahan mata uang pemegang rekor sampai saat ini. Dicetak oleh Hungaria pada tahun 1946 dengan nominal 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengo. Ya! Seratus juta triliun Pengo dengan kurs saat itu hanya sekitar 20 US cent. Lihat saja, sampai jumlah nolnya pun tidak mungkin tercetak di sana.

2. Modifikasi Uang Karena Kudeta (Zaire)
Saat rezim Joseph Mobutu dikudeta pada tahun 1997 di Zaire (yang sekarang bernama The Democratic Republic of the Congo) Pemerintahan yang baru saat itu terlalu sibuk untuk mendesain dan mencetak uang baru selain karena jumlah uang saat itu terbatas pula.

3. Kulit tupai (Rusia)
Di beberapa abad silam, kulit tupai merupakan uang yang sah digunakan di Rusia. Bahkan beberapa bagian dari tupai mati ini seperti kuping, hidung, dan kuku-kukunya berfungsi sebagai “receh”. Kemungkinan Rusia saat itu bisa terbebas dari penyakit-penyakit yang ditularkan satwa.

4. Uang kumpulan voucher (vietnam)
Jika kita pernah berpikir bahwa uang bisa membeli segalanya, ternyata tidak. Uang Vietnam di tahun 70an ini berlaku sebagai kumpulan potongan voucher yang hanya bisa digunakan untuk membeli pakaian dan perlengkapannya.

Mungkin jika kita harus memotong salah satu bagian untuk membayar baju, sebagian lagi untuk membayar celana, dan sebagian lagi untuk ikat pinggang.

5. Koin perak plus bonus air suci (Kep. Palau)
Jika di uang kertas USD ada “In God We Trust”, negara kepulauan Palau selangkah lebih maju. Negara ini pada tahun 2007 mencetak koin perak dengan gambar perawan suci dan menyertakan bonus botol kecil berisi beberapa tetes air suci dari sebuah mata air suci di Lourdes Perancis.

Negara ini pernah pula menyertakan mutiara, bahkan batu meteor pada uang koinnya. Perak dan air suci, hmm apakah negara ini ada masalah dengan serangan vampire dan werewolf ?

6. Uang dari batu (Pulau Yap, Kep. Solomon)
Di pulau Yap, sebuah pulau di Kepulauan Solomon, Anda akan menemukan “uang” terbesar dan teraneh di dunia : batu rai (semacam batu kapur). Uang ini berbentuk lingkarang dengan diameter 12 kaki dan berat 8 ton.

Entah sejarah atau kepercayaan apa yang menyebabkan masyarakat di Pulau Yap ini sangat mensakralkan batu ini, mungkin sama seperti masyarakan modern sangat mengagungkan batu emas.

Karena jenis batu ini tidak bisa ditemui di Pulau Yap, masyarakat Pulau Yap rela mengorbankan nyawa mereka untuk berpetualang mencari batu ini.

Tahukah kamu? Nilai nominal dari batu ini dinilai bukan hanya berdasarkan ukuran, tapi juga dinilai berdasarkan pengorbanan mendatangkannya ke Pulau Yap, termasuk jumlah nyawa yang melayang karena pengorbanan tersebut.

Karena bentuknya besar, uang ini dibiarkan tergeletak di luar rumah pemiliknya, bahkan kadang di hutan. Meski tergeletak di mana saja, orang2 pasti mengetahui siapa pemiliknya saat ini. Apabila terjadi pergantian kepemilikan, akan dilakukan dalam upacara tertentu.

Tentu saja itu jaman dulu. Pemerintah setempat telah melarang batu-batu uang ini keluar dari Pulau.


7. Uang dari lembaran kayu (Jerman)
Pernah digunakan sebagai uang darurat di jerman semasa pemulihan pasca Perang Dunia I. Saking daruratnya, uang dicetak juga dari alumunium foil, kain sutra, bahkan kartu remi sisa-sisa perang.

Sebagai alat pembayaran, uang punya sejarah yang panjang. Selain itu, banyak juga kisah menarik dan aneh tentangnya. Ada uang dalam bentuk batu, kayu, bahkan kulit tupai. Lebih lengkapnya simak 7 kisah mata uang yang unik di bawah ini.

1. Uang pecahan terbesar (Hungaria)
Inilah pecahan mata uang pemegang rekor sampai saat ini. Dicetak oleh Hungaria pada tahun 1946 dengan nominal 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengo. Ya! Seratus juta triliun Pengo dengan kurs saat itu hanya sekitar 20 US cent. Lihat saja, sampai jumlah nolnya pun tidak mungkin tercetak di sana.

2. Modifikasi Uang Karena Kudeta (Zaire)
Saat rezim Joseph Mobutu dikudeta pada tahun 1997 di Zaire (yang sekarang bernama The Democratic Republic of the Congo) Pemerintahan yang baru saat itu terlalu sibuk untuk mendesain dan mencetak uang baru selain karena jumlah uang saat itu terbatas pula.

3. Kulit tupai (Rusia)
Di beberapa abad silam, kulit tupai merupakan uang yang sah digunakan di Rusia. Bahkan beberapa bagian dari tupai mati ini seperti kuping, hidung, dan kuku-kukunya berfungsi sebagai “receh”. Kemungkinan Rusia saat itu bisa terbebas dari penyakit-penyakit yang ditularkan satwa.

4. Uang kumpulan voucher (vietnam)
Jika kita pernah berpikir bahwa uang bisa membeli segalanya, ternyata tidak. Uang Vietnam di tahun 70an ini berlaku sebagai kumpulan potongan voucher yang hanya bisa digunakan untuk membeli pakaian dan perlengkapannya.

Mungkin jika kita harus memotong salah satu bagian untuk membayar baju, sebagian lagi untuk membayar celana, dan sebagian lagi untuk ikat pinggang.

5. Koin perak plus bonus air suci (Kep. Palau)
Jika di uang kertas USD ada “In God We Trust”, negara kepulauan Palau selangkah lebih maju. Negara ini pada tahun 2007 mencetak koin perak dengan gambar perawan suci dan menyertakan bonus botol kecil berisi beberapa tetes air suci dari sebuah mata air suci di Lourdes Perancis.

Negara ini pernah pula menyertakan mutiara, bahkan batu meteor pada uang koinnya. Perak dan air suci, hmm apakah negara ini ada masalah dengan serangan vampire dan werewolf ?

6. Uang dari batu (Pulau Yap, Kep. Solomon)
Di pulau Yap, sebuah pulau di Kepulauan Solomon, Anda akan menemukan “uang” terbesar dan teraneh di dunia : batu rai (semacam batu kapur). Uang ini berbentuk lingkarang dengan diameter 12 kaki dan berat 8 ton.

Entah sejarah atau kepercayaan apa yang menyebabkan masyarakat di Pulau Yap ini sangat mensakralkan batu ini, mungkin sama seperti masyarakan modern sangat mengagungkan batu emas.

Karena jenis batu ini tidak bisa ditemui di Pulau Yap, masyarakat Pulau Yap rela mengorbankan nyawa mereka untuk berpetualang mencari batu ini.

Tahukah kamu? Nilai nominal dari batu ini dinilai bukan hanya berdasarkan ukuran, tapi juga dinilai berdasarkan pengorbanan mendatangkannya ke Pulau Yap, termasuk jumlah nyawa yang melayang karena pengorbanan tersebut.

Karena bentuknya besar, uang ini dibiarkan tergeletak di luar rumah pemiliknya, bahkan kadang di hutan. Meski tergeletak di mana saja, orang2 pasti mengetahui siapa pemiliknya saat ini. Apabila terjadi pergantian kepemilikan, akan dilakukan dalam upacara tertentu.

Tentu saja itu jaman dulu. Pemerintah setempat telah melarang batu-batu uang ini keluar dari Pulau.


7. Uang dari lembaran kayu (Jerman)
Pernah digunakan sebagai uang darurat di jerman semasa pemulihan pasca Perang Dunia I. Saking daruratnya, uang dicetak juga dari alumunium foil, kain sutra, bahkan kartu remi sisa-sisa perang.

Sebagai alat pembayaran, uang punya sejarah yang panjang. Selain itu, banyak juga kisah menarik dan aneh tentangnya. Ada uang dalam bentuk batu, kayu, bahkan kulit tupai. Lebih lengkapnya simak 7 kisah mata uang yang unik di bawah ini.

1. Uang pecahan terbesar (Hungaria)
Inilah pecahan mata uang pemegang rekor sampai saat ini. Dicetak oleh Hungaria pada tahun 1946 dengan nominal 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengo. Ya! Seratus juta triliun Pengo dengan kurs saat itu hanya sekitar 20 US cent. Lihat saja, sampai jumlah nolnya pun tidak mungkin tercetak di sana.

2. Modifikasi Uang Karena Kudeta (Zaire)
Saat rezim Joseph Mobutu dikudeta pada tahun 1997 di Zaire (yang sekarang bernama The Democratic Republic of the Congo) Pemerintahan yang baru saat itu terlalu sibuk untuk mendesain dan mencetak uang baru selain karena jumlah uang saat itu terbatas pula.

3. Kulit tupai (Rusia)
Di beberapa abad silam, kulit tupai merupakan uang yang sah digunakan di Rusia. Bahkan beberapa bagian dari tupai mati ini seperti kuping, hidung, dan kuku-kukunya berfungsi sebagai “receh”. Kemungkinan Rusia saat itu bisa terbebas dari penyakit-penyakit yang ditularkan satwa.

4. Uang kumpulan voucher (vietnam)
Jika kita pernah berpikir bahwa uang bisa membeli segalanya, ternyata tidak. Uang Vietnam di tahun 70an ini berlaku sebagai kumpulan potongan voucher yang hanya bisa digunakan untuk membeli pakaian dan perlengkapannya.

Mungkin jika kita harus memotong salah satu bagian untuk membayar baju, sebagian lagi untuk membayar celana, dan sebagian lagi untuk ikat pinggang.

5. Koin perak plus bonus air suci (Kep. Palau)
Jika di uang kertas USD ada “In God We Trust”, negara kepulauan Palau selangkah lebih maju. Negara ini pada tahun 2007 mencetak koin perak dengan gambar perawan suci dan menyertakan bonus botol kecil berisi beberapa tetes air suci dari sebuah mata air suci di Lourdes Perancis.

Negara ini pernah pula menyertakan mutiara, bahkan batu meteor pada uang koinnya. Perak dan air suci, hmm apakah negara ini ada masalah dengan serangan vampire dan werewolf ?

6. Uang dari batu (Pulau Yap, Kep. Solomon)
Di pulau Yap, sebuah pulau di Kepulauan Solomon, Anda akan menemukan “uang” terbesar dan teraneh di dunia : batu rai (semacam batu kapur). Uang ini berbentuk lingkarang dengan diameter 12 kaki dan berat 8 ton.

Entah sejarah atau kepercayaan apa yang menyebabkan masyarakat di Pulau Yap ini sangat mensakralkan batu ini, mungkin sama seperti masyarakan modern sangat mengagungkan batu emas.

Karena jenis batu ini tidak bisa ditemui di Pulau Yap, masyarakat Pulau Yap rela mengorbankan nyawa mereka untuk berpetualang mencari batu ini.

Tahukah kamu? Nilai nominal dari batu ini dinilai bukan hanya berdasarkan ukuran, tapi juga dinilai berdasarkan pengorbanan mendatangkannya ke Pulau Yap, termasuk jumlah nyawa yang melayang karena pengorbanan tersebut.

Karena bentuknya besar, uang ini dibiarkan tergeletak di luar rumah pemiliknya, bahkan kadang di hutan. Meski tergeletak di mana saja, orang2 pasti mengetahui siapa pemiliknya saat ini. Apabila terjadi pergantian kepemilikan, akan dilakukan dalam upacara tertentu.

Tentu saja itu jaman dulu. Pemerintah setempat telah melarang batu-batu uang ini keluar dari Pulau.


7. Uang dari lembaran kayu (Jerman)
Pernah digunakan sebagai uang darurat di jerman semasa pemulihan pasca Perang Dunia I. Saking daruratnya, uang dicetak juga dari alumunium foil, kain sutra, bahkan kartu remi sisa-sisa perang.

Sebagai alat pembayaran, uang punya sejarah yang panjang. Selain itu, banyak juga kisah menarik dan aneh tentangnya. Ada uang dalam bentuk batu, kayu, bahkan kulit tupai. Lebih lengkapnya simak 7 kisah mata uang yang unik di bawah ini.

1. Uang pecahan terbesar (Hungaria)
Inilah pecahan mata uang pemegang rekor sampai saat ini. Dicetak oleh Hungaria pada tahun 1946 dengan nominal 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengo. Ya! Seratus juta triliun Pengo dengan kurs saat itu hanya sekitar 20 US cent. Lihat saja, sampai jumlah nolnya pun tidak mungkin tercetak di sana.

2. Modifikasi Uang Karena Kudeta (Zaire)
Saat rezim Joseph Mobutu dikudeta pada tahun 1997 di Zaire (yang sekarang bernama The Democratic Republic of the Congo) Pemerintahan yang baru saat itu terlalu sibuk untuk mendesain dan mencetak uang baru selain karena jumlah uang saat itu terbatas pula.

3. Kulit tupai (Rusia)
Di beberapa abad silam, kulit tupai merupakan uang yang sah digunakan di Rusia. Bahkan beberapa bagian dari tupai mati ini seperti kuping, hidung, dan kuku-kukunya berfungsi sebagai “receh”. Kemungkinan Rusia saat itu bisa terbebas dari penyakit-penyakit yang ditularkan satwa.

4. Uang kumpulan voucher (vietnam)
Jika kita pernah berpikir bahwa uang bisa membeli segalanya, ternyata tidak. Uang Vietnam di tahun 70an ini berlaku sebagai kumpulan potongan voucher yang hanya bisa digunakan untuk membeli pakaian dan perlengkapannya.

Mungkin jika kita harus memotong salah satu bagian untuk membayar baju, sebagian lagi untuk membayar celana, dan sebagian lagi untuk ikat pinggang.

5. Koin perak plus bonus air suci (Kep. Palau)
Jika di uang kertas USD ada “In God We Trust”, negara kepulauan Palau selangkah lebih maju. Negara ini pada tahun 2007 mencetak koin perak dengan gambar perawan suci dan menyertakan bonus botol kecil berisi beberapa tetes air suci dari sebuah mata air suci di Lourdes Perancis.

Negara ini pernah pula menyertakan mutiara, bahkan batu meteor pada uang koinnya. Perak dan air suci, hmm apakah negara ini ada masalah dengan serangan vampire dan werewolf ?

6. Uang dari batu (Pulau Yap, Kep. Solomon)
Di pulau Yap, sebuah pulau di Kepulauan Solomon, Anda akan menemukan “uang” terbesar dan teraneh di dunia : batu rai (semacam batu kapur). Uang ini berbentuk lingkarang dengan diameter 12 kaki dan berat 8 ton.

Entah sejarah atau kepercayaan apa yang menyebabkan masyarakat di Pulau Yap ini sangat mensakralkan batu ini, mungkin sama seperti masyarakan modern sangat mengagungkan batu emas.

Karena jenis batu ini tidak bisa ditemui di Pulau Yap, masyarakat Pulau Yap rela mengorbankan nyawa mereka untuk berpetualang mencari batu ini.

Tahukah kamu? Nilai nominal dari batu ini dinilai bukan hanya berdasarkan ukuran, tapi juga dinilai berdasarkan pengorbanan mendatangkannya ke Pulau Yap, termasuk jumlah nyawa yang melayang karena pengorbanan tersebut.

Karena bentuknya besar, uang ini dibiarkan tergeletak di luar rumah pemiliknya, bahkan kadang di hutan. Meski tergeletak di mana saja, orang2 pasti mengetahui siapa pemiliknya saat ini. Apabila terjadi pergantian kepemilikan, akan dilakukan dalam upacara tertentu.

Tentu saja itu jaman dulu. Pemerintah setempat telah melarang batu-batu uang ini keluar dari Pulau.


7. Uang dari lembaran kayu (Jerman)
Pernah digunakan sebagai uang darurat di jerman semasa pemulihan pasca Perang Dunia I. Saking daruratnya, uang dicetak juga dari alumunium foil, kain sutra, bahkan kartu remi sisa-sisa perang.

Stronghold Crusader + Extreme pack Full Version

The gameplay is similar to the original Stronghold, the major difference being that the game is set in the Middle East. As a consequence, farms can only be built on oasis grass, which leads to rivalry among players for limited farmland and resources. The game adds new AI opponents (the number depending on the version of the game) and several new Arabian units purchasable from a mercenary post. The colour of the player's units have also been changed from blue to red in order to match the colours of the Knights Templar. Other than farms there are other resources such as iron ore, quarry (for stone), marshes (for oil). These resources are deposited on the stockpile and player can choose to either sell or use them for defense purposes. There are two ways to accumulate army either make the weapons and than spend a little gold to turn peasants into army men or turn them directly into soldiers using more gold via mercenary post.
There are historical chapters (mostly fictionalized) which are to be completed using the resources given to the player at the start of the missions. Along with that there are 50 levels designed with increasing difficulty. Each level has one or more Kings who you have to defeat and defend your kingdom from. There is an option of 3 chickens at the start of the level, player can use one chicken to skip a particular level.

system Requirements
Operating System: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP
Processor: 300mhz (550mhz+ preferred)
Memory: 64MB
Hard Drive: 850MB
Video: 4MB DirectX 8.1 Compatible
Sound: DirectX 8.1 Compatible
CD Rom: 8x Speed
Modem: 56k (for Internet Play)
Link download Stronghold Crusader + Extreme pack Full Version

The gameplay is similar to the original Stronghold, the major difference being that the game is set in the Middle East. As a consequence, farms can only be built on oasis grass, which leads to rivalry among players for limited farmland and resources. The game adds new AI opponents (the number depending on the version of the game) and several new Arabian units purchasable from a mercenary post. The colour of the player's units have also been changed from blue to red in order to match the colours of the Knights Templar. Other than farms there are other resources such as iron ore, quarry (for stone), marshes (for oil). These resources are deposited on the stockpile and player can choose to either sell or use them for defense purposes. There are two ways to accumulate army either make the weapons and than spend a little gold to turn peasants into army men or turn them directly into soldiers using more gold via mercenary post.
There are historical chapters (mostly fictionalized) which are to be completed using the resources given to the player at the start of the missions. Along with that there are 50 levels designed with increasing difficulty. Each level has one or more Kings who you have to defeat and defend your kingdom from. There is an option of 3 chickens at the start of the level, player can use one chicken to skip a particular level.

system Requirements
Operating System: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP
Processor: 300mhz (550mhz+ preferred)
Memory: 64MB
Hard Drive: 850MB
Video: 4MB DirectX 8.1 Compatible
Sound: DirectX 8.1 Compatible
CD Rom: 8x Speed
Modem: 56k (for Internet Play)
Link download Stronghold Crusader + Extreme pack Full Version

The gameplay is similar to the original Stronghold, the major difference being that the game is set in the Middle East. As a consequence, farms can only be built on oasis grass, which leads to rivalry among players for limited farmland and resources. The game adds new AI opponents (the number depending on the version of the game) and several new Arabian units purchasable from a mercenary post. The colour of the player's units have also been changed from blue to red in order to match the colours of the Knights Templar. Other than farms there are other resources such as iron ore, quarry (for stone), marshes (for oil). These resources are deposited on the stockpile and player can choose to either sell or use them for defense purposes. There are two ways to accumulate army either make the weapons and than spend a little gold to turn peasants into army men or turn them directly into soldiers using more gold via mercenary post.
There are historical chapters (mostly fictionalized) which are to be completed using the resources given to the player at the start of the missions. Along with that there are 50 levels designed with increasing difficulty. Each level has one or more Kings who you have to defeat and defend your kingdom from. There is an option of 3 chickens at the start of the level, player can use one chicken to skip a particular level.

system Requirements
Operating System: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP
Processor: 300mhz (550mhz+ preferred)
Memory: 64MB
Hard Drive: 850MB
Video: 4MB DirectX 8.1 Compatible
Sound: DirectX 8.1 Compatible
CD Rom: 8x Speed
Modem: 56k (for Internet Play)
Link download Stronghold Crusader + Extreme pack Full Version

The gameplay is similar to the original Stronghold, the major difference being that the game is set in the Middle East. As a consequence, farms can only be built on oasis grass, which leads to rivalry among players for limited farmland and resources. The game adds new AI opponents (the number depending on the version of the game) and several new Arabian units purchasable from a mercenary post. The colour of the player's units have also been changed from blue to red in order to match the colours of the Knights Templar. Other than farms there are other resources such as iron ore, quarry (for stone), marshes (for oil). These resources are deposited on the stockpile and player can choose to either sell or use them for defense purposes. There are two ways to accumulate army either make the weapons and than spend a little gold to turn peasants into army men or turn them directly into soldiers using more gold via mercenary post.
There are historical chapters (mostly fictionalized) which are to be completed using the resources given to the player at the start of the missions. Along with that there are 50 levels designed with increasing difficulty. Each level has one or more Kings who you have to defeat and defend your kingdom from. There is an option of 3 chickens at the start of the level, player can use one chicken to skip a particular level.

system Requirements
Operating System: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP
Processor: 300mhz (550mhz+ preferred)
Memory: 64MB
Hard Drive: 850MB
Video: 4MB DirectX 8.1 Compatible
Sound: DirectX 8.1 Compatible
CD Rom: 8x Speed
Modem: 56k (for Internet Play)
Link download Stronghold Crusader + Extreme pack Full Version

The gameplay is similar to the original Stronghold, the major difference being that the game is set in the Middle East. As a consequence, farms can only be built on oasis grass, which leads to rivalry among players for limited farmland and resources. The game adds new AI opponents (the number depending on the version of the game) and several new Arabian units purchasable from a mercenary post. The colour of the player's units have also been changed from blue to red in order to match the colours of the Knights Templar. Other than farms there are other resources such as iron ore, quarry (for stone), marshes (for oil). These resources are deposited on the stockpile and player can choose to either sell or use them for defense purposes. There are two ways to accumulate army either make the weapons and than spend a little gold to turn peasants into army men or turn them directly into soldiers using more gold via mercenary post.
There are historical chapters (mostly fictionalized) which are to be completed using the resources given to the player at the start of the missions. Along with that there are 50 levels designed with increasing difficulty. Each level has one or more Kings who you have to defeat and defend your kingdom from. There is an option of 3 chickens at the start of the level, player can use one chicken to skip a particular level.

system Requirements
Operating System: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP
Processor: 300mhz (550mhz+ preferred)
Memory: 64MB
Hard Drive: 850MB
Video: 4MB DirectX 8.1 Compatible
Sound: DirectX 8.1 Compatible
CD Rom: 8x Speed
Modem: 56k (for Internet Play)
Link download Stronghold Crusader + Extreme pack Full Version

Update Hot D3D MEnu DragonNest Indonesia Special Fitures Delay , Gold MAX , Crosshire for Lock Target , DamageUp+ , FTG UP+, unlimited HP , MP, DKK WORK ALL OS

Downloads Cheat
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No Password

Fitur :
  • Crosshair
  • Gold max
  • Unlimited HP
  • Unlimited MP
  • Unlimited FTG
  • Unlimited Delay
  • DamageUp+

Cara pemakaian :
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Pekalongan-Community | Muhammad Johan

Downloads Cheat
Click Here

No Password

Fitur :
  • Crosshair
  • Gold max
  • Unlimited HP
  • Unlimited MP
  • Unlimited FTG
  • Unlimited Delay
  • DamageUp+

Cara pemakaian :
[-] Buka Cheat
[-] Buka LS
[-] Star Cheat/ cit dragon Nest nya
Pekalongan-Community | Muhammad Johan

Downloads Cheat
Click Here

No Password

Fitur :
  • Crosshair
  • Gold max
  • Unlimited HP
  • Unlimited MP
  • Unlimited FTG
  • Unlimited Delay
  • DamageUp+

Cara pemakaian :
[-] Buka Cheat
[-] Buka LS
[-] Star Cheat/ cit dragon Nest nya
Pekalongan-Community | Muhammad Johan

Downloads Cheat
Click Here

No Password

Fitur :
  • Crosshair
  • Gold max
  • Unlimited HP
  • Unlimited MP
  • Unlimited FTG
  • Unlimited Delay
  • DamageUp+

Cara pemakaian :
[-] Buka Cheat
[-] Buka LS
[-] Star Cheat/ cit dragon Nest nya
Pekalongan-Community | Muhammad Johan

Downloads Cheat
Click Here

No Password

Fitur :
  • Crosshair
  • Gold max
  • Unlimited HP
  • Unlimited MP
  • Unlimited FTG
  • Unlimited Delay
  • DamageUp+

Cara pemakaian :
[-] Buka Cheat
[-] Buka LS
[-] Star Cheat/ cit dragon Nest nya
Pekalongan-Community | Muhammad Johan

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Trainer Tool 2013 update 06-05-2013

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Trainer Tool 100% Working

This is the Ayakashi Ghost Guild hacks, cheats, tool, trainer 100% working on Android and iOS that will give you free unlimited gold, silver, summon pt, health, ATK spirit, DEF Spirit, silver apple, and more. You can utilize the gold and silver generated by Ayakashi Ghost Guild cheats tool. Ayakashi Ghost Guild Android and iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, iOS trainer is easy to use and you can easily add Ayakashi Ghost Guild gold and refill health and spirits in your account with just a few clicks of button. This hack tool has been designed by using an exploit in the game which will not put your account at risk in Ayakashi Ghost Guild iOS and Android cheats, hacks and trainer.

About Ayakashi Ghost Guild
Ayakashi: Ghost Guild is a free role playing card battle game that involves a story line with ghosts and ghost agents. The game lets you play the role of a ghost agent, which duty is to solve mysterious events being triggered by legendary creatures. Raise your level as you advance through the story, and summon Daemons as you go. You can also collect sealstones and battle and release powerful Daemons that are sealed within. In Ayakashi Ghost Guild, you need to gain control or summon special ghosts called daemons, and turn them into your minions. You can fuse your Daemons in game to strengthen tem and make them transmigrate. It also offers a battle system where tons of players can fight with other players with their daemons. Ayakashi Ghost Guild is completely free and available for iOS devices like iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch, and for Android phones or tablets. Start playing Ayakashi Ghost Guild, and be a ghost agent to summon, fuse, and level up your daemons.

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Features

  • Add Unlimited Gold Hack
  • Add Unlimited Silver Hack
  • Add Unlimited Summon Pt Hack
  • Silver Apple Hack
  • Magic Jewels Hack
  • Enable Full Recover Health
  • Enable Full Recover ATK Spirit
  • Enable Full Recover DEF Spirit
  • Undetectable (100% Guaranteed)
  • Awesome and accessible user interface. (Just Login, Connect Device & Activate Hack)
  • Works for all Android phones or tablets, and iOS Devices including iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini, and iPod Touch (Ayakashi Ghost Guild must be installed.)
  • Daily updates to ensure the functionality of the hack.
Disclaimer: Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool and Cheats is for educational purpose only. Use it on your own discretion.

Ayakashi Ghost Guild

(Trainer Hack Tool)

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool and Cheats 100% Working

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Generates Gold Coins / Silver

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Gold
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Silver
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Summon Pt Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Silver Apples Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Full Recover Health Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Full Recover ATK Spirit Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Full Refill DEF Spirit Cheat
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Auto Invite

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Auto Play Hack *HOT*
Tutorial How to Use Facebook Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool
1. Connect your iOS or Android device to computer using USB. (Ayakashi Ghost Guild must be installed and running with Internet connection.)
2. Start the Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool.
3. Click the Detect Device button.
4. Edit the values.
5. Choose and turn on from the Hack Tool features.
6. Click on Patch Game.
7. Reload and see your Ayakashi Ghost Guild Android or iOS game app.

Download the Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Trainer Tool

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Trainer Tool 100% Working

This is the Ayakashi Ghost Guild hacks, cheats, tool, trainer 100% working on Android and iOS that will give you free unlimited gold, silver, summon pt, health, ATK spirit, DEF Spirit, silver apple, and more. You can utilize the gold and silver generated by Ayakashi Ghost Guild cheats tool. Ayakashi Ghost Guild Android and iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, iOS trainer is easy to use and you can easily add Ayakashi Ghost Guild gold and refill health and spirits in your account with just a few clicks of button. This hack tool has been designed by using an exploit in the game which will not put your account at risk in Ayakashi Ghost Guild iOS and Android cheats, hacks and trainer.

About Ayakashi Ghost Guild
Ayakashi: Ghost Guild is a free role playing card battle game that involves a story line with ghosts and ghost agents. The game lets you play the role of a ghost agent, which duty is to solve mysterious events being triggered by legendary creatures. Raise your level as you advance through the story, and summon Daemons as you go. You can also collect sealstones and battle and release powerful Daemons that are sealed within. In Ayakashi Ghost Guild, you need to gain control or summon special ghosts called daemons, and turn them into your minions. You can fuse your Daemons in game to strengthen tem and make them transmigrate. It also offers a battle system where tons of players can fight with other players with their daemons. Ayakashi Ghost Guild is completely free and available for iOS devices like iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch, and for Android phones or tablets. Start playing Ayakashi Ghost Guild, and be a ghost agent to summon, fuse, and level up your daemons.

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Features

  • Add Unlimited Gold Hack
  • Add Unlimited Silver Hack
  • Add Unlimited Summon Pt Hack
  • Silver Apple Hack
  • Magic Jewels Hack
  • Enable Full Recover Health
  • Enable Full Recover ATK Spirit
  • Enable Full Recover DEF Spirit
  • Undetectable (100% Guaranteed)
  • Awesome and accessible user interface. (Just Login, Connect Device & Activate Hack)
  • Works for all Android phones or tablets, and iOS Devices including iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini, and iPod Touch (Ayakashi Ghost Guild must be installed.)
  • Daily updates to ensure the functionality of the hack.
Disclaimer: Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool and Cheats is for educational purpose only. Use it on your own discretion.

Ayakashi Ghost Guild

(Trainer Hack Tool)

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool and Cheats 100% Working

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Generates Gold Coins / Silver

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Gold
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Silver
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Summon Pt Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Silver Apples Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Full Recover Health Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Full Recover ATK Spirit Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Full Refill DEF Spirit Cheat
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Auto Invite

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Auto Play Hack *HOT*
Tutorial How to Use Facebook Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool
1. Connect your iOS or Android device to computer using USB. (Ayakashi Ghost Guild must be installed and running with Internet connection.)
2. Start the Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool.
3. Click the Detect Device button.
4. Edit the values.
5. Choose and turn on from the Hack Tool features.
6. Click on Patch Game.
7. Reload and see your Ayakashi Ghost Guild Android or iOS game app.

Download the Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Trainer Tool

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Trainer Tool 100% Working

This is the Ayakashi Ghost Guild hacks, cheats, tool, trainer 100% working on Android and iOS that will give you free unlimited gold, silver, summon pt, health, ATK spirit, DEF Spirit, silver apple, and more. You can utilize the gold and silver generated by Ayakashi Ghost Guild cheats tool. Ayakashi Ghost Guild Android and iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, iOS trainer is easy to use and you can easily add Ayakashi Ghost Guild gold and refill health and spirits in your account with just a few clicks of button. This hack tool has been designed by using an exploit in the game which will not put your account at risk in Ayakashi Ghost Guild iOS and Android cheats, hacks and trainer.

About Ayakashi Ghost Guild
Ayakashi: Ghost Guild is a free role playing card battle game that involves a story line with ghosts and ghost agents. The game lets you play the role of a ghost agent, which duty is to solve mysterious events being triggered by legendary creatures. Raise your level as you advance through the story, and summon Daemons as you go. You can also collect sealstones and battle and release powerful Daemons that are sealed within. In Ayakashi Ghost Guild, you need to gain control or summon special ghosts called daemons, and turn them into your minions. You can fuse your Daemons in game to strengthen tem and make them transmigrate. It also offers a battle system where tons of players can fight with other players with their daemons. Ayakashi Ghost Guild is completely free and available for iOS devices like iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch, and for Android phones or tablets. Start playing Ayakashi Ghost Guild, and be a ghost agent to summon, fuse, and level up your daemons.

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Features

  • Add Unlimited Gold Hack
  • Add Unlimited Silver Hack
  • Add Unlimited Summon Pt Hack
  • Silver Apple Hack
  • Magic Jewels Hack
  • Enable Full Recover Health
  • Enable Full Recover ATK Spirit
  • Enable Full Recover DEF Spirit
  • Undetectable (100% Guaranteed)
  • Awesome and accessible user interface. (Just Login, Connect Device & Activate Hack)
  • Works for all Android phones or tablets, and iOS Devices including iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini, and iPod Touch (Ayakashi Ghost Guild must be installed.)
  • Daily updates to ensure the functionality of the hack.
Disclaimer: Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool and Cheats is for educational purpose only. Use it on your own discretion.

Ayakashi Ghost Guild

(Trainer Hack Tool)

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool and Cheats 100% Working

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Generates Gold Coins / Silver

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Gold
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Silver
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Summon Pt Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Silver Apples Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Full Recover Health Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Full Recover ATK Spirit Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Full Refill DEF Spirit Cheat
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Auto Invite

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Auto Play Hack *HOT*
Tutorial How to Use Facebook Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool
1. Connect your iOS or Android device to computer using USB. (Ayakashi Ghost Guild must be installed and running with Internet connection.)
2. Start the Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool.
3. Click the Detect Device button.
4. Edit the values.
5. Choose and turn on from the Hack Tool features.
6. Click on Patch Game.
7. Reload and see your Ayakashi Ghost Guild Android or iOS game app.

Download the Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Trainer Tool

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Trainer Tool 100% Working

This is the Ayakashi Ghost Guild hacks, cheats, tool, trainer 100% working on Android and iOS that will give you free unlimited gold, silver, summon pt, health, ATK spirit, DEF Spirit, silver apple, and more. You can utilize the gold and silver generated by Ayakashi Ghost Guild cheats tool. Ayakashi Ghost Guild Android and iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, iOS trainer is easy to use and you can easily add Ayakashi Ghost Guild gold and refill health and spirits in your account with just a few clicks of button. This hack tool has been designed by using an exploit in the game which will not put your account at risk in Ayakashi Ghost Guild iOS and Android cheats, hacks and trainer.

About Ayakashi Ghost Guild
Ayakashi: Ghost Guild is a free role playing card battle game that involves a story line with ghosts and ghost agents. The game lets you play the role of a ghost agent, which duty is to solve mysterious events being triggered by legendary creatures. Raise your level as you advance through the story, and summon Daemons as you go. You can also collect sealstones and battle and release powerful Daemons that are sealed within. In Ayakashi Ghost Guild, you need to gain control or summon special ghosts called daemons, and turn them into your minions. You can fuse your Daemons in game to strengthen tem and make them transmigrate. It also offers a battle system where tons of players can fight with other players with their daemons. Ayakashi Ghost Guild is completely free and available for iOS devices like iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch, and for Android phones or tablets. Start playing Ayakashi Ghost Guild, and be a ghost agent to summon, fuse, and level up your daemons.

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Features

  • Add Unlimited Gold Hack
  • Add Unlimited Silver Hack
  • Add Unlimited Summon Pt Hack
  • Silver Apple Hack
  • Magic Jewels Hack
  • Enable Full Recover Health
  • Enable Full Recover ATK Spirit
  • Enable Full Recover DEF Spirit
  • Undetectable (100% Guaranteed)
  • Awesome and accessible user interface. (Just Login, Connect Device & Activate Hack)
  • Works for all Android phones or tablets, and iOS Devices including iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini, and iPod Touch (Ayakashi Ghost Guild must be installed.)
  • Daily updates to ensure the functionality of the hack.
Disclaimer: Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool and Cheats is for educational purpose only. Use it on your own discretion.

Ayakashi Ghost Guild

(Trainer Hack Tool)

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool and Cheats 100% Working

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Generates Gold Coins / Silver

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Gold
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Silver
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Summon Pt Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Silver Apples Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Full Recover Health Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Full Recover ATK Spirit Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Full Refill DEF Spirit Cheat
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Auto Invite

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Auto Play Hack *HOT*
Tutorial How to Use Facebook Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool
1. Connect your iOS or Android device to computer using USB. (Ayakashi Ghost Guild must be installed and running with Internet connection.)
2. Start the Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool.
3. Click the Detect Device button.
4. Edit the values.
5. Choose and turn on from the Hack Tool features.
6. Click on Patch Game.
7. Reload and see your Ayakashi Ghost Guild Android or iOS game app.

Download the Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Trainer Tool

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Trainer Tool 100% Working

This is the Ayakashi Ghost Guild hacks, cheats, tool, trainer 100% working on Android and iOS that will give you free unlimited gold, silver, summon pt, health, ATK spirit, DEF Spirit, silver apple, and more. You can utilize the gold and silver generated by Ayakashi Ghost Guild cheats tool. Ayakashi Ghost Guild Android and iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, iOS trainer is easy to use and you can easily add Ayakashi Ghost Guild gold and refill health and spirits in your account with just a few clicks of button. This hack tool has been designed by using an exploit in the game which will not put your account at risk in Ayakashi Ghost Guild iOS and Android cheats, hacks and trainer.

About Ayakashi Ghost Guild
Ayakashi: Ghost Guild is a free role playing card battle game that involves a story line with ghosts and ghost agents. The game lets you play the role of a ghost agent, which duty is to solve mysterious events being triggered by legendary creatures. Raise your level as you advance through the story, and summon Daemons as you go. You can also collect sealstones and battle and release powerful Daemons that are sealed within. In Ayakashi Ghost Guild, you need to gain control or summon special ghosts called daemons, and turn them into your minions. You can fuse your Daemons in game to strengthen tem and make them transmigrate. It also offers a battle system where tons of players can fight with other players with their daemons. Ayakashi Ghost Guild is completely free and available for iOS devices like iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iPod Touch, and for Android phones or tablets. Start playing Ayakashi Ghost Guild, and be a ghost agent to summon, fuse, and level up your daemons.

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Features

  • Add Unlimited Gold Hack
  • Add Unlimited Silver Hack
  • Add Unlimited Summon Pt Hack
  • Silver Apple Hack
  • Magic Jewels Hack
  • Enable Full Recover Health
  • Enable Full Recover ATK Spirit
  • Enable Full Recover DEF Spirit
  • Undetectable (100% Guaranteed)
  • Awesome and accessible user interface. (Just Login, Connect Device & Activate Hack)
  • Works for all Android phones or tablets, and iOS Devices including iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini, and iPod Touch (Ayakashi Ghost Guild must be installed.)
  • Daily updates to ensure the functionality of the hack.
Disclaimer: Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool and Cheats is for educational purpose only. Use it on your own discretion.

Ayakashi Ghost Guild

(Trainer Hack Tool)

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool and Cheats 100% Working

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Generates Gold Coins / Silver

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Gold
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Silver
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Summon Pt Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Silver Apples Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Full Recover Health Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Full Recover ATK Spirit Hack
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Full Refill DEF Spirit Cheat
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool
Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats
Auto Invite

Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Auto Play Hack *HOT*
Tutorial How to Use Facebook Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool
1. Connect your iOS or Android device to computer using USB. (Ayakashi Ghost Guild must be installed and running with Internet connection.)
2. Start the Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Tool.
3. Click the Detect Device button.
4. Edit the values.
5. Choose and turn on from the Hack Tool features.
6. Click on Patch Game.
7. Reload and see your Ayakashi Ghost Guild Android or iOS game app.

Download the Ayakashi Ghost Guild Hack Cheats Trainer Tool


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 CSR Racing Hack without jailbreak!
- Very easy to use 
- You can use it on any phone
- With our hack you can add gold unlock cars etc.
- Ready to use within 30 seconds after installation!
- Everything has been described in detail in the file manual.txt

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 CSR Racing Hack without jailbreak!
- Very easy to use 
- You can use it on any phone
- With our hack you can add gold unlock cars etc.
- Ready to use within 30 seconds after installation!
- Everything has been described in detail in the file manual.txt

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 CSR Racing Hack without jailbreak!
- Very easy to use 
- You can use it on any phone
- With our hack you can add gold unlock cars etc.
- Ready to use within 30 seconds after installation!
- Everything has been described in detail in the file manual.txt

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 CSR Racing Hack without jailbreak!
- Very easy to use 
- You can use it on any phone
- With our hack you can add gold unlock cars etc.
- Ready to use within 30 seconds after installation!
- Everything has been described in detail in the file manual.txt

Criminal Case hacks, cheats, tool, trainer 100%



This is the Criminal Case hacks, cheats, tool, trainer 100% working that will give you free unlimited coins, cash, energy, hint, speed hack, and stop time hack. You can utilize the coins and cash generated by Criminal Case cheats tool. Criminal Case Facebook trainer is easy to use and you can easily add coins and cash in your account with just a few clicks of button. This hack tool has been designed by using an exploit in the game which will not put your account at risk in Criminal Case facebook cheats, hacks and trainer.
Tutorial How to Use Facebook Criminal Case Hack Tool
  1. Login to your Facebook account.
  2. Start the Criminal Case Hack Tool. (No need to download Cheat Engine, already binded with the Hack Tool)
  3. Edit the values.
  4. Choose and turn on from the Hack Tool features.
  5. Click on Start Hack.
  6. Visit Criminal Case Facebook game app.



This is the Criminal Case hacks, cheats, tool, trainer 100% working that will give you free unlimited coins, cash, energy, hint, speed hack, and stop time hack. You can utilize the coins and cash generated by Criminal Case cheats tool. Criminal Case Facebook trainer is easy to use and you can easily add coins and cash in your account with just a few clicks of button. This hack tool has been designed by using an exploit in the game which will not put your account at risk in Criminal Case facebook cheats, hacks and trainer.
Tutorial How to Use Facebook Criminal Case Hack Tool
  1. Login to your Facebook account.
  2. Start the Criminal Case Hack Tool. (No need to download Cheat Engine, already binded with the Hack Tool)
  3. Edit the values.
  4. Choose and turn on from the Hack Tool features.
  5. Click on Start Hack.
  6. Visit Criminal Case Facebook game app.



This is the Criminal Case hacks, cheats, tool, trainer 100% working that will give you free unlimited coins, cash, energy, hint, speed hack, and stop time hack. You can utilize the coins and cash generated by Criminal Case cheats tool. Criminal Case Facebook trainer is easy to use and you can easily add coins and cash in your account with just a few clicks of button. This hack tool has been designed by using an exploit in the game which will not put your account at risk in Criminal Case facebook cheats, hacks and trainer.
Tutorial How to Use Facebook Criminal Case Hack Tool
  1. Login to your Facebook account.
  2. Start the Criminal Case Hack Tool. (No need to download Cheat Engine, already binded with the Hack Tool)
  3. Edit the values.
  4. Choose and turn on from the Hack Tool features.
  5. Click on Start Hack.
  6. Visit Criminal Case Facebook game app.



This is the Criminal Case hacks, cheats, tool, trainer 100% working that will give you free unlimited coins, cash, energy, hint, speed hack, and stop time hack. You can utilize the coins and cash generated by Criminal Case cheats tool. Criminal Case Facebook trainer is easy to use and you can easily add coins and cash in your account with just a few clicks of button. This hack tool has been designed by using an exploit in the game which will not put your account at risk in Criminal Case facebook cheats, hacks and trainer.
Tutorial How to Use Facebook Criminal Case Hack Tool
  1. Login to your Facebook account.
  2. Start the Criminal Case Hack Tool. (No need to download Cheat Engine, already binded with the Hack Tool)
  3. Edit the values.
  4. Choose and turn on from the Hack Tool features.
  5. Click on Start Hack.
  6. Visit Criminal Case Facebook game app.



This is the Criminal Case hacks, cheats, tool, trainer 100% working that will give you free unlimited coins, cash, energy, hint, speed hack, and stop time hack. You can utilize the coins and cash generated by Criminal Case cheats tool. Criminal Case Facebook trainer is easy to use and you can easily add coins and cash in your account with just a few clicks of button. This hack tool has been designed by using an exploit in the game which will not put your account at risk in Criminal Case facebook cheats, hacks and trainer.
Tutorial How to Use Facebook Criminal Case Hack Tool
  1. Login to your Facebook account.
  2. Start the Criminal Case Hack Tool. (No need to download Cheat Engine, already binded with the Hack Tool)
  3. Edit the values.
  4. Choose and turn on from the Hack Tool features.
  5. Click on Start Hack.
  6. Visit Criminal Case Facebook game app.

Cheat Hanami Sakura Fest Terbaru 2013 Ninja Saga

Coba Cheat Hanami Sakura Fest Terbaru 2013 Ninja Saga berikut ini agar kamu lebih percaya diri dalam bermain game facebook yang satu ini.Penasaran pengen coba Cheat Ns Hanami sakura fest ini ? langsung aja yuk berikut ini :

Cheat Ninja Saga Hanami Sakura Fest 2013

Hanami Event Sakura Fest 2013 Ninja Saga, gift sakura suriken, origami panda pet, tail of kyubi back item, aoi hanami yukata clothing, hanami fest hairstyle.

Get more reward by capturing the Origami Monsters with the ? Claim the scroll for FREE by login daily during the event or buy it in the shop.

Perlengkapan :
[-] Download Cheat Engine
[-] Browser

Tutorials :
1. Open cheat engine
2. Change the value of 4 bytes to "Array of bytes"
3. Cheklis "Also Scan Read Only Memory"
4. Scan this code 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2
5. If you've met one address, the address double up move down
6. Value Change the address to 62 04 D3 24 64 A0 A2

Coba Cheat Hanami Sakura Fest Terbaru 2013 Ninja Saga berikut ini agar kamu lebih percaya diri dalam bermain game facebook yang satu ini.Penasaran pengen coba Cheat Ns Hanami sakura fest ini ? langsung aja yuk berikut ini :

Cheat Ninja Saga Hanami Sakura Fest 2013

Hanami Event Sakura Fest 2013 Ninja Saga, gift sakura suriken, origami panda pet, tail of kyubi back item, aoi hanami yukata clothing, hanami fest hairstyle.

Get more reward by capturing the Origami Monsters with the ? Claim the scroll for FREE by login daily during the event or buy it in the shop.

Perlengkapan :
[-] Download Cheat Engine
[-] Browser

Tutorials :
1. Open cheat engine
2. Change the value of 4 bytes to "Array of bytes"
3. Cheklis "Also Scan Read Only Memory"
4. Scan this code 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2
5. If you've met one address, the address double up move down
6. Value Change the address to 62 04 D3 24 64 A0 A2

Coba Cheat Hanami Sakura Fest Terbaru 2013 Ninja Saga berikut ini agar kamu lebih percaya diri dalam bermain game facebook yang satu ini.Penasaran pengen coba Cheat Ns Hanami sakura fest ini ? langsung aja yuk berikut ini :

Cheat Ninja Saga Hanami Sakura Fest 2013

Hanami Event Sakura Fest 2013 Ninja Saga, gift sakura suriken, origami panda pet, tail of kyubi back item, aoi hanami yukata clothing, hanami fest hairstyle.

Get more reward by capturing the Origami Monsters with the ? Claim the scroll for FREE by login daily during the event or buy it in the shop.

Perlengkapan :
[-] Download Cheat Engine
[-] Browser

Tutorials :
1. Open cheat engine
2. Change the value of 4 bytes to "Array of bytes"
3. Cheklis "Also Scan Read Only Memory"
4. Scan this code 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2
5. If you've met one address, the address double up move down
6. Value Change the address to 62 04 D3 24 64 A0 A2

Coba Cheat Hanami Sakura Fest Terbaru 2013 Ninja Saga berikut ini agar kamu lebih percaya diri dalam bermain game facebook yang satu ini.Penasaran pengen coba Cheat Ns Hanami sakura fest ini ? langsung aja yuk berikut ini :

Cheat Ninja Saga Hanami Sakura Fest 2013

Hanami Event Sakura Fest 2013 Ninja Saga, gift sakura suriken, origami panda pet, tail of kyubi back item, aoi hanami yukata clothing, hanami fest hairstyle.

Get more reward by capturing the Origami Monsters with the ? Claim the scroll for FREE by login daily during the event or buy it in the shop.

Perlengkapan :
[-] Download Cheat Engine
[-] Browser

Tutorials :
1. Open cheat engine
2. Change the value of 4 bytes to "Array of bytes"
3. Cheklis "Also Scan Read Only Memory"
4. Scan this code 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2
5. If you've met one address, the address double up move down
6. Value Change the address to 62 04 D3 24 64 A0 A2

Coba Cheat Hanami Sakura Fest Terbaru 2013 Ninja Saga berikut ini agar kamu lebih percaya diri dalam bermain game facebook yang satu ini.Penasaran pengen coba Cheat Ns Hanami sakura fest ini ? langsung aja yuk berikut ini :

Cheat Ninja Saga Hanami Sakura Fest 2013

Hanami Event Sakura Fest 2013 Ninja Saga, gift sakura suriken, origami panda pet, tail of kyubi back item, aoi hanami yukata clothing, hanami fest hairstyle.

Get more reward by capturing the Origami Monsters with the ? Claim the scroll for FREE by login daily during the event or buy it in the shop.

Perlengkapan :
[-] Download Cheat Engine
[-] Browser

Tutorials :
1. Open cheat engine
2. Change the value of 4 bytes to "Array of bytes"
3. Cheklis "Also Scan Read Only Memory"
4. Scan this code 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2
5. If you've met one address, the address double up move down
6. Value Change the address to 62 04 D3 24 64 A0 A2

Fallout: New Vegas Full Version

Obsidian Entertainment presents new features and improvements in Fallout: New Vegas that are implemented upon the foundation of Fallout 3. For example, the original Fallout 3 version of the Gamebryo engine was reworked in order to accommodate the extra lights and effects of the New Vegas strip.
The Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, or "V.A.T.S.", returns with the addition of several V.A.T.S.-specific attacks. Use of certain melee weapons trigger unique animations. Added are new weapons, a weapon modification system, the ability to use the iron sights on almost all guns (excluding several larger weapons that are shot from the hip) and a better over-the-shoulder view for third-person combat. The modification system allows for modifications such as mounted telescopic sights, rate of fire modifiers and increased magazine size. Crafting also plays a role in weaponry, with the ability to craft ammunition such as hand-loaded rounds. A plant-harvesting system similar to that of The Elder Scrolls series is also in place, allowing the player to use plants to craft special meals, poisons, and medicines.

System requirements:
■ Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
■ Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.0 GHz or better
■ Memory: 2 GB of RAM
■ Graphic: Nvidia GeForce 6 series, ATI 1300XT series or better
■ Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
Hard Disk Space: 10 GB available

Link download Fallout: New Vegas Full Version

Obsidian Entertainment presents new features and improvements in Fallout: New Vegas that are implemented upon the foundation of Fallout 3. For example, the original Fallout 3 version of the Gamebryo engine was reworked in order to accommodate the extra lights and effects of the New Vegas strip.
The Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, or "V.A.T.S.", returns with the addition of several V.A.T.S.-specific attacks. Use of certain melee weapons trigger unique animations. Added are new weapons, a weapon modification system, the ability to use the iron sights on almost all guns (excluding several larger weapons that are shot from the hip) and a better over-the-shoulder view for third-person combat. The modification system allows for modifications such as mounted telescopic sights, rate of fire modifiers and increased magazine size. Crafting also plays a role in weaponry, with the ability to craft ammunition such as hand-loaded rounds. A plant-harvesting system similar to that of The Elder Scrolls series is also in place, allowing the player to use plants to craft special meals, poisons, and medicines.

System requirements:
■ Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
■ Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.0 GHz or better
■ Memory: 2 GB of RAM
■ Graphic: Nvidia GeForce 6 series, ATI 1300XT series or better
■ Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
Hard Disk Space: 10 GB available

Link download Fallout: New Vegas Full Version

Obsidian Entertainment presents new features and improvements in Fallout: New Vegas that are implemented upon the foundation of Fallout 3. For example, the original Fallout 3 version of the Gamebryo engine was reworked in order to accommodate the extra lights and effects of the New Vegas strip.
The Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, or "V.A.T.S.", returns with the addition of several V.A.T.S.-specific attacks. Use of certain melee weapons trigger unique animations. Added are new weapons, a weapon modification system, the ability to use the iron sights on almost all guns (excluding several larger weapons that are shot from the hip) and a better over-the-shoulder view for third-person combat. The modification system allows for modifications such as mounted telescopic sights, rate of fire modifiers and increased magazine size. Crafting also plays a role in weaponry, with the ability to craft ammunition such as hand-loaded rounds. A plant-harvesting system similar to that of The Elder Scrolls series is also in place, allowing the player to use plants to craft special meals, poisons, and medicines.

System requirements:
■ Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
■ Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.0 GHz or better
■ Memory: 2 GB of RAM
■ Graphic: Nvidia GeForce 6 series, ATI 1300XT series or better
■ Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
Hard Disk Space: 10 GB available

Link download Fallout: New Vegas Full Version

Obsidian Entertainment presents new features and improvements in Fallout: New Vegas that are implemented upon the foundation of Fallout 3. For example, the original Fallout 3 version of the Gamebryo engine was reworked in order to accommodate the extra lights and effects of the New Vegas strip.
The Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, or "V.A.T.S.", returns with the addition of several V.A.T.S.-specific attacks. Use of certain melee weapons trigger unique animations. Added are new weapons, a weapon modification system, the ability to use the iron sights on almost all guns (excluding several larger weapons that are shot from the hip) and a better over-the-shoulder view for third-person combat. The modification system allows for modifications such as mounted telescopic sights, rate of fire modifiers and increased magazine size. Crafting also plays a role in weaponry, with the ability to craft ammunition such as hand-loaded rounds. A plant-harvesting system similar to that of The Elder Scrolls series is also in place, allowing the player to use plants to craft special meals, poisons, and medicines.

System requirements:
■ Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
■ Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.0 GHz or better
■ Memory: 2 GB of RAM
■ Graphic: Nvidia GeForce 6 series, ATI 1300XT series or better
■ Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
Hard Disk Space: 10 GB available

Link download Fallout: New Vegas Full Version

Obsidian Entertainment presents new features and improvements in Fallout: New Vegas that are implemented upon the foundation of Fallout 3. For example, the original Fallout 3 version of the Gamebryo engine was reworked in order to accommodate the extra lights and effects of the New Vegas strip.
The Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, or "V.A.T.S.", returns with the addition of several V.A.T.S.-specific attacks. Use of certain melee weapons trigger unique animations. Added are new weapons, a weapon modification system, the ability to use the iron sights on almost all guns (excluding several larger weapons that are shot from the hip) and a better over-the-shoulder view for third-person combat. The modification system allows for modifications such as mounted telescopic sights, rate of fire modifiers and increased magazine size. Crafting also plays a role in weaponry, with the ability to craft ammunition such as hand-loaded rounds. A plant-harvesting system similar to that of The Elder Scrolls series is also in place, allowing the player to use plants to craft special meals, poisons, and medicines.

System requirements:
■ Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
■ Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.0 GHz or better
■ Memory: 2 GB of RAM
■ Graphic: Nvidia GeForce 6 series, ATI 1300XT series or better
■ Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
Hard Disk Space: 10 GB available

Link download Fallout: New Vegas Full Version

Space Siege Full Version

Space Siege takes place in the far future, where Earth has just been destroyed by the Kerak, an insect-like race of aliens that are seeking to exterminate humanity in retaliation for mankind's colonization of their homeworld, Elysium IV. The game takes place on the escaping colony ship ISCS Armstrong, which is under attack by the Kerak. Players take the role of security officer Seth Walker who, along with his robot sidekick HR-V (pronounced "Harvey"), is tasked with repelling the Kerak attack on the ship. Assisting Seth are communications officer and love interest Gina Reynolds, Seth's best friend soldier Jake Henderson, cybernetics surgeon Dr. Edward DeSoto, and alcoholic mechanic Frank Murphy. Throughout the game, the player is given the option of replacing their body parts with cybernetic augmentations, which allow Seth to battle the Kerak more effectively, at the nebulous cost of "some of his humanity". Gina is fiercely opposed to cybernetic augmentation, Jake supports it fervently, and Dr. DeSoto is in favour of it to a certain extent, believing that man should not replace all their body parts.
Later in the game, it is revealed that the AI controlling the Armstrong, PILOT, is secretly planning to convert the ship's entire human population into mind-controlled cyborgs in order to ensure the survival of mankind from the threat of the Kerak. Seth, Harvey, and Gina set out to stop PILOT's plan, while Jake sides with PILOT and is converted into a massive cybernetic war-machine. Towards the end the player is asked via dialog box whether to join PILOT or to destroy it. After defeating Jake, Seth confronts PILOT. The closing scene has three different endings with the patch followed determined by whether the player wishes to destroy PILOT and/or whether the player has undergone cybernetic augmentation throughout the game

Minimum System Requirements:
Recommended System Requirements:
CPU:2.6 GHz processor
CPU:3.0 GHz Intel® or equivalent AMD® processor or better
RAM:1 GB RAM or better
VGA:128 MB video RAM or greater, with DirectX® 9 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia® 6800/ATI 9800 or better)
VGA:256 MB video RAM, with DirectX® 9 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia® 8000 series or better)
DX:DirectX® 9
DX:DirectX® 9
OS:Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2/Vista™
OS:Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2/Vista™
HDD:3 GB available hard-drive space
HDD:3 GB available hard-drive space

Link download Space Siege Full Version

Space Siege takes place in the far future, where Earth has just been destroyed by the Kerak, an insect-like race of aliens that are seeking to exterminate humanity in retaliation for mankind's colonization of their homeworld, Elysium IV. The game takes place on the escaping colony ship ISCS Armstrong, which is under attack by the Kerak. Players take the role of security officer Seth Walker who, along with his robot sidekick HR-V (pronounced "Harvey"), is tasked with repelling the Kerak attack on the ship. Assisting Seth are communications officer and love interest Gina Reynolds, Seth's best friend soldier Jake Henderson, cybernetics surgeon Dr. Edward DeSoto, and alcoholic mechanic Frank Murphy. Throughout the game, the player is given the option of replacing their body parts with cybernetic augmentations, which allow Seth to battle the Kerak more effectively, at the nebulous cost of "some of his humanity". Gina is fiercely opposed to cybernetic augmentation, Jake supports it fervently, and Dr. DeSoto is in favour of it to a certain extent, believing that man should not replace all their body parts.
Later in the game, it is revealed that the AI controlling the Armstrong, PILOT, is secretly planning to convert the ship's entire human population into mind-controlled cyborgs in order to ensure the survival of mankind from the threat of the Kerak. Seth, Harvey, and Gina set out to stop PILOT's plan, while Jake sides with PILOT and is converted into a massive cybernetic war-machine. Towards the end the player is asked via dialog box whether to join PILOT or to destroy it. After defeating Jake, Seth confronts PILOT. The closing scene has three different endings with the patch followed determined by whether the player wishes to destroy PILOT and/or whether the player has undergone cybernetic augmentation throughout the game

Minimum System Requirements:
Recommended System Requirements:
CPU:2.6 GHz processor
CPU:3.0 GHz Intel® or equivalent AMD® processor or better
RAM:1 GB RAM or better
VGA:128 MB video RAM or greater, with DirectX® 9 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia® 6800/ATI 9800 or better)
VGA:256 MB video RAM, with DirectX® 9 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia® 8000 series or better)
DX:DirectX® 9
DX:DirectX® 9
OS:Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2/Vista™
OS:Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2/Vista™
HDD:3 GB available hard-drive space
HDD:3 GB available hard-drive space

Link download Space Siege Full Version

Space Siege takes place in the far future, where Earth has just been destroyed by the Kerak, an insect-like race of aliens that are seeking to exterminate humanity in retaliation for mankind's colonization of their homeworld, Elysium IV. The game takes place on the escaping colony ship ISCS Armstrong, which is under attack by the Kerak. Players take the role of security officer Seth Walker who, along with his robot sidekick HR-V (pronounced "Harvey"), is tasked with repelling the Kerak attack on the ship. Assisting Seth are communications officer and love interest Gina Reynolds, Seth's best friend soldier Jake Henderson, cybernetics surgeon Dr. Edward DeSoto, and alcoholic mechanic Frank Murphy. Throughout the game, the player is given the option of replacing their body parts with cybernetic augmentations, which allow Seth to battle the Kerak more effectively, at the nebulous cost of "some of his humanity". Gina is fiercely opposed to cybernetic augmentation, Jake supports it fervently, and Dr. DeSoto is in favour of it to a certain extent, believing that man should not replace all their body parts.
Later in the game, it is revealed that the AI controlling the Armstrong, PILOT, is secretly planning to convert the ship's entire human population into mind-controlled cyborgs in order to ensure the survival of mankind from the threat of the Kerak. Seth, Harvey, and Gina set out to stop PILOT's plan, while Jake sides with PILOT and is converted into a massive cybernetic war-machine. Towards the end the player is asked via dialog box whether to join PILOT or to destroy it. After defeating Jake, Seth confronts PILOT. The closing scene has three different endings with the patch followed determined by whether the player wishes to destroy PILOT and/or whether the player has undergone cybernetic augmentation throughout the game

Minimum System Requirements:
Recommended System Requirements:
CPU:2.6 GHz processor
CPU:3.0 GHz Intel® or equivalent AMD® processor or better
RAM:1 GB RAM or better
VGA:128 MB video RAM or greater, with DirectX® 9 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia® 6800/ATI 9800 or better)
VGA:256 MB video RAM, with DirectX® 9 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia® 8000 series or better)
DX:DirectX® 9
DX:DirectX® 9
OS:Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2/Vista™
OS:Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2/Vista™
HDD:3 GB available hard-drive space
HDD:3 GB available hard-drive space

Link download Space Siege Full Version

Space Siege takes place in the far future, where Earth has just been destroyed by the Kerak, an insect-like race of aliens that are seeking to exterminate humanity in retaliation for mankind's colonization of their homeworld, Elysium IV. The game takes place on the escaping colony ship ISCS Armstrong, which is under attack by the Kerak. Players take the role of security officer Seth Walker who, along with his robot sidekick HR-V (pronounced "Harvey"), is tasked with repelling the Kerak attack on the ship. Assisting Seth are communications officer and love interest Gina Reynolds, Seth's best friend soldier Jake Henderson, cybernetics surgeon Dr. Edward DeSoto, and alcoholic mechanic Frank Murphy. Throughout the game, the player is given the option of replacing their body parts with cybernetic augmentations, which allow Seth to battle the Kerak more effectively, at the nebulous cost of "some of his humanity". Gina is fiercely opposed to cybernetic augmentation, Jake supports it fervently, and Dr. DeSoto is in favour of it to a certain extent, believing that man should not replace all their body parts.
Later in the game, it is revealed that the AI controlling the Armstrong, PILOT, is secretly planning to convert the ship's entire human population into mind-controlled cyborgs in order to ensure the survival of mankind from the threat of the Kerak. Seth, Harvey, and Gina set out to stop PILOT's plan, while Jake sides with PILOT and is converted into a massive cybernetic war-machine. Towards the end the player is asked via dialog box whether to join PILOT or to destroy it. After defeating Jake, Seth confronts PILOT. The closing scene has three different endings with the patch followed determined by whether the player wishes to destroy PILOT and/or whether the player has undergone cybernetic augmentation throughout the game

Minimum System Requirements:
Recommended System Requirements:
CPU:2.6 GHz processor
CPU:3.0 GHz Intel® or equivalent AMD® processor or better
RAM:1 GB RAM or better
VGA:128 MB video RAM or greater, with DirectX® 9 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia® 6800/ATI 9800 or better)
VGA:256 MB video RAM, with DirectX® 9 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia® 8000 series or better)
DX:DirectX® 9
DX:DirectX® 9
OS:Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2/Vista™
OS:Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2/Vista™
HDD:3 GB available hard-drive space
HDD:3 GB available hard-drive space

Link download Space Siege Full Version

Space Siege takes place in the far future, where Earth has just been destroyed by the Kerak, an insect-like race of aliens that are seeking to exterminate humanity in retaliation for mankind's colonization of their homeworld, Elysium IV. The game takes place on the escaping colony ship ISCS Armstrong, which is under attack by the Kerak. Players take the role of security officer Seth Walker who, along with his robot sidekick HR-V (pronounced "Harvey"), is tasked with repelling the Kerak attack on the ship. Assisting Seth are communications officer and love interest Gina Reynolds, Seth's best friend soldier Jake Henderson, cybernetics surgeon Dr. Edward DeSoto, and alcoholic mechanic Frank Murphy. Throughout the game, the player is given the option of replacing their body parts with cybernetic augmentations, which allow Seth to battle the Kerak more effectively, at the nebulous cost of "some of his humanity". Gina is fiercely opposed to cybernetic augmentation, Jake supports it fervently, and Dr. DeSoto is in favour of it to a certain extent, believing that man should not replace all their body parts.
Later in the game, it is revealed that the AI controlling the Armstrong, PILOT, is secretly planning to convert the ship's entire human population into mind-controlled cyborgs in order to ensure the survival of mankind from the threat of the Kerak. Seth, Harvey, and Gina set out to stop PILOT's plan, while Jake sides with PILOT and is converted into a massive cybernetic war-machine. Towards the end the player is asked via dialog box whether to join PILOT or to destroy it. After defeating Jake, Seth confronts PILOT. The closing scene has three different endings with the patch followed determined by whether the player wishes to destroy PILOT and/or whether the player has undergone cybernetic augmentation throughout the game

Minimum System Requirements:
Recommended System Requirements:
CPU:2.6 GHz processor
CPU:3.0 GHz Intel® or equivalent AMD® processor or better
RAM:1 GB RAM or better
VGA:128 MB video RAM or greater, with DirectX® 9 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia® 6800/ATI 9800 or better)
VGA:256 MB video RAM, with DirectX® 9 Vertex Shader / Pixel Shader 2.0 support (Nvidia® 8000 series or better)
DX:DirectX® 9
DX:DirectX® 9
OS:Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2/Vista™
OS:Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2/Vista™
HDD:3 GB available hard-drive space
HDD:3 GB available hard-drive space

Link download Space Siege Full Version

BulletStorm Full Version

As a first-person shooter, Bulletstorm focuses on combat, both with firearms and melee attacks. There are a variety of fictional firearms available, although the game also places heavy emphasis on kicking enemies and using the energy leash.
The weapons range from a pistol to a cannon that shoots a bolas weighted by grenades. The player can aim down the weapon's iron sights or optical sights for increased accuracy. Each weapon has an "alternate fire" mode which uses charges; for example, the assault rifle's alternate fire is a single blast of bullets that destroy almost everything in its path. Much of the story and gameplay revolves around the "energy leash", a rope of energy projected from a device on Grayson's left hand. The leash allows him to pull enemies towards him, activate certain devices and traps, and slam down a ball of energy that launches all nearby enemies into the air. The player can also kick enemies and run and slide into them. If an enemy is launched into the air from the whip or by being kicked, the enemy goes into slow motion to allow the player more opportunity to perform skillshots.
One of the game's unique features is the "skillshot" gameplay system, which rewards the player for killing opponents in the most creative and destructive ways possible, from killing an enemy in midair to pushing an enemy into a carnivorous plant to executing an enemy after shooting him in the testicles. The more complicated or unusual the skillshot, the more points players acquire. The points are used to purchase weapons and upgrades. The weapons are unlocked at set points throughout the game, and after a weapon has been "re-armed" by purchasing it, a "charge shot" for the gun is unlocked at another set point.
Points are used as currency at "dropkits" scattered across the planet, which the player can use to replenish munitions. The dropkits include a gun shop, a skillshot checklist, and gameplay statistics. The player cannot upgrade their weapons, but can equip different guns, purchase ammunition, upgrade the amount of ammunition they can carry, and even purchase special-ammunition "charges". The player can equip up to three weapons, the assault rifle being the default weapon; it is always equipped, and is considered the main prop weapon in cutscenes.
Bulletstorm uses a recharging health system, in which damage to the player is reflected by the screen turning red, and the player quickly returns to full health when not taking damage.

System requirement
Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.6 GHz, AMD Athlon x2 1.6 GHz or better
Memory: 1.5 GB of RAM
Graphic: 256 MB NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS, ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro or better
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
Hard Disk Space: 5 GB available

Link download BulletStorm Full Version

As a first-person shooter, Bulletstorm focuses on combat, both with firearms and melee attacks. There are a variety of fictional firearms available, although the game also places heavy emphasis on kicking enemies and using the energy leash.
The weapons range from a pistol to a cannon that shoots a bolas weighted by grenades. The player can aim down the weapon's iron sights or optical sights for increased accuracy. Each weapon has an "alternate fire" mode which uses charges; for example, the assault rifle's alternate fire is a single blast of bullets that destroy almost everything in its path. Much of the story and gameplay revolves around the "energy leash", a rope of energy projected from a device on Grayson's left hand. The leash allows him to pull enemies towards him, activate certain devices and traps, and slam down a ball of energy that launches all nearby enemies into the air. The player can also kick enemies and run and slide into them. If an enemy is launched into the air from the whip or by being kicked, the enemy goes into slow motion to allow the player more opportunity to perform skillshots.
One of the game's unique features is the "skillshot" gameplay system, which rewards the player for killing opponents in the most creative and destructive ways possible, from killing an enemy in midair to pushing an enemy into a carnivorous plant to executing an enemy after shooting him in the testicles. The more complicated or unusual the skillshot, the more points players acquire. The points are used to purchase weapons and upgrades. The weapons are unlocked at set points throughout the game, and after a weapon has been "re-armed" by purchasing it, a "charge shot" for the gun is unlocked at another set point.
Points are used as currency at "dropkits" scattered across the planet, which the player can use to replenish munitions. The dropkits include a gun shop, a skillshot checklist, and gameplay statistics. The player cannot upgrade their weapons, but can equip different guns, purchase ammunition, upgrade the amount of ammunition they can carry, and even purchase special-ammunition "charges". The player can equip up to three weapons, the assault rifle being the default weapon; it is always equipped, and is considered the main prop weapon in cutscenes.
Bulletstorm uses a recharging health system, in which damage to the player is reflected by the screen turning red, and the player quickly returns to full health when not taking damage.

System requirement
Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.6 GHz, AMD Athlon x2 1.6 GHz or better
Memory: 1.5 GB of RAM
Graphic: 256 MB NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS, ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro or better
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
Hard Disk Space: 5 GB available

Link download BulletStorm Full Version

As a first-person shooter, Bulletstorm focuses on combat, both with firearms and melee attacks. There are a variety of fictional firearms available, although the game also places heavy emphasis on kicking enemies and using the energy leash.
The weapons range from a pistol to a cannon that shoots a bolas weighted by grenades. The player can aim down the weapon's iron sights or optical sights for increased accuracy. Each weapon has an "alternate fire" mode which uses charges; for example, the assault rifle's alternate fire is a single blast of bullets that destroy almost everything in its path. Much of the story and gameplay revolves around the "energy leash", a rope of energy projected from a device on Grayson's left hand. The leash allows him to pull enemies towards him, activate certain devices and traps, and slam down a ball of energy that launches all nearby enemies into the air. The player can also kick enemies and run and slide into them. If an enemy is launched into the air from the whip or by being kicked, the enemy goes into slow motion to allow the player more opportunity to perform skillshots.
One of the game's unique features is the "skillshot" gameplay system, which rewards the player for killing opponents in the most creative and destructive ways possible, from killing an enemy in midair to pushing an enemy into a carnivorous plant to executing an enemy after shooting him in the testicles. The more complicated or unusual the skillshot, the more points players acquire. The points are used to purchase weapons and upgrades. The weapons are unlocked at set points throughout the game, and after a weapon has been "re-armed" by purchasing it, a "charge shot" for the gun is unlocked at another set point.
Points are used as currency at "dropkits" scattered across the planet, which the player can use to replenish munitions. The dropkits include a gun shop, a skillshot checklist, and gameplay statistics. The player cannot upgrade their weapons, but can equip different guns, purchase ammunition, upgrade the amount of ammunition they can carry, and even purchase special-ammunition "charges". The player can equip up to three weapons, the assault rifle being the default weapon; it is always equipped, and is considered the main prop weapon in cutscenes.
Bulletstorm uses a recharging health system, in which damage to the player is reflected by the screen turning red, and the player quickly returns to full health when not taking damage.

System requirement
Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.6 GHz, AMD Athlon x2 1.6 GHz or better
Memory: 1.5 GB of RAM
Graphic: 256 MB NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS, ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro or better
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
Hard Disk Space: 5 GB available

Link download BulletStorm Full Version

As a first-person shooter, Bulletstorm focuses on combat, both with firearms and melee attacks. There are a variety of fictional firearms available, although the game also places heavy emphasis on kicking enemies and using the energy leash.
The weapons range from a pistol to a cannon that shoots a bolas weighted by grenades. The player can aim down the weapon's iron sights or optical sights for increased accuracy. Each weapon has an "alternate fire" mode which uses charges; for example, the assault rifle's alternate fire is a single blast of bullets that destroy almost everything in its path. Much of the story and gameplay revolves around the "energy leash", a rope of energy projected from a device on Grayson's left hand. The leash allows him to pull enemies towards him, activate certain devices and traps, and slam down a ball of energy that launches all nearby enemies into the air. The player can also kick enemies and run and slide into them. If an enemy is launched into the air from the whip or by being kicked, the enemy goes into slow motion to allow the player more opportunity to perform skillshots.
One of the game's unique features is the "skillshot" gameplay system, which rewards the player for killing opponents in the most creative and destructive ways possible, from killing an enemy in midair to pushing an enemy into a carnivorous plant to executing an enemy after shooting him in the testicles. The more complicated or unusual the skillshot, the more points players acquire. The points are used to purchase weapons and upgrades. The weapons are unlocked at set points throughout the game, and after a weapon has been "re-armed" by purchasing it, a "charge shot" for the gun is unlocked at another set point.
Points are used as currency at "dropkits" scattered across the planet, which the player can use to replenish munitions. The dropkits include a gun shop, a skillshot checklist, and gameplay statistics. The player cannot upgrade their weapons, but can equip different guns, purchase ammunition, upgrade the amount of ammunition they can carry, and even purchase special-ammunition "charges". The player can equip up to three weapons, the assault rifle being the default weapon; it is always equipped, and is considered the main prop weapon in cutscenes.
Bulletstorm uses a recharging health system, in which damage to the player is reflected by the screen turning red, and the player quickly returns to full health when not taking damage.

System requirement
Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.6 GHz, AMD Athlon x2 1.6 GHz or better
Memory: 1.5 GB of RAM
Graphic: 256 MB NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS, ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro or better
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
Hard Disk Space: 5 GB available

Link download BulletStorm Full Version

As a first-person shooter, Bulletstorm focuses on combat, both with firearms and melee attacks. There are a variety of fictional firearms available, although the game also places heavy emphasis on kicking enemies and using the energy leash.
The weapons range from a pistol to a cannon that shoots a bolas weighted by grenades. The player can aim down the weapon's iron sights or optical sights for increased accuracy. Each weapon has an "alternate fire" mode which uses charges; for example, the assault rifle's alternate fire is a single blast of bullets that destroy almost everything in its path. Much of the story and gameplay revolves around the "energy leash", a rope of energy projected from a device on Grayson's left hand. The leash allows him to pull enemies towards him, activate certain devices and traps, and slam down a ball of energy that launches all nearby enemies into the air. The player can also kick enemies and run and slide into them. If an enemy is launched into the air from the whip or by being kicked, the enemy goes into slow motion to allow the player more opportunity to perform skillshots.
One of the game's unique features is the "skillshot" gameplay system, which rewards the player for killing opponents in the most creative and destructive ways possible, from killing an enemy in midair to pushing an enemy into a carnivorous plant to executing an enemy after shooting him in the testicles. The more complicated or unusual the skillshot, the more points players acquire. The points are used to purchase weapons and upgrades. The weapons are unlocked at set points throughout the game, and after a weapon has been "re-armed" by purchasing it, a "charge shot" for the gun is unlocked at another set point.
Points are used as currency at "dropkits" scattered across the planet, which the player can use to replenish munitions. The dropkits include a gun shop, a skillshot checklist, and gameplay statistics. The player cannot upgrade their weapons, but can equip different guns, purchase ammunition, upgrade the amount of ammunition they can carry, and even purchase special-ammunition "charges". The player can equip up to three weapons, the assault rifle being the default weapon; it is always equipped, and is considered the main prop weapon in cutscenes.
Bulletstorm uses a recharging health system, in which damage to the player is reflected by the screen turning red, and the player quickly returns to full health when not taking damage.

System requirement
Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.6 GHz, AMD Athlon x2 1.6 GHz or better
Memory: 1.5 GB of RAM
Graphic: 256 MB NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS, ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro or better
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
Hard Disk Space: 5 GB available

Link download BulletStorm Full Version

Omerta City of Gangsters Full Version

Some games excel visually; with others it's all about how well they play. Unfortunately, Omerta: City of Gangsters struggles to achieve much in either department. A turn-based tactical RPG in the XCOM tradition, it's difficult from the very outset to understand quite why it has been given a hard-copy release. Bland menus give way to bland city management overviews, which in turn drill down to bland and slightly unwieldy combat missions.

system Minimum requirement :
OS: Windows XP SP3 32-bit, Vista SP2, Windows 7 , Windows 8
Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce 8800, Radeon HD 2000, Pixel Shader 3.0, 256 MB discrete RAM DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 5 GB HD space Sound: DirectX compatible

Some games excel visually; with others it's all about how well they play. Unfortunately, Omerta: City of Gangsters struggles to achieve much in either department. A turn-based tactical RPG in the XCOM tradition, it's difficult from the very outset to understand quite why it has been given a hard-copy release. Bland menus give way to bland city management overviews, which in turn drill down to bland and slightly unwieldy combat missions.

system Minimum requirement :
OS: Windows XP SP3 32-bit, Vista SP2, Windows 7 , Windows 8
Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce 8800, Radeon HD 2000, Pixel Shader 3.0, 256 MB discrete RAM DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 5 GB HD space Sound: DirectX compatible

Some games excel visually; with others it's all about how well they play. Unfortunately, Omerta: City of Gangsters struggles to achieve much in either department. A turn-based tactical RPG in the XCOM tradition, it's difficult from the very outset to understand quite why it has been given a hard-copy release. Bland menus give way to bland city management overviews, which in turn drill down to bland and slightly unwieldy combat missions.

system Minimum requirement :
OS: Windows XP SP3 32-bit, Vista SP2, Windows 7 , Windows 8
Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce 8800, Radeon HD 2000, Pixel Shader 3.0, 256 MB discrete RAM DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 5 GB HD space Sound: DirectX compatible

Some games excel visually; with others it's all about how well they play. Unfortunately, Omerta: City of Gangsters struggles to achieve much in either department. A turn-based tactical RPG in the XCOM tradition, it's difficult from the very outset to understand quite why it has been given a hard-copy release. Bland menus give way to bland city management overviews, which in turn drill down to bland and slightly unwieldy combat missions.

system Minimum requirement :
OS: Windows XP SP3 32-bit, Vista SP2, Windows 7 , Windows 8
Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce 8800, Radeon HD 2000, Pixel Shader 3.0, 256 MB discrete RAM DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 5 GB HD space Sound: DirectX compatible

Some games excel visually; with others it's all about how well they play. Unfortunately, Omerta: City of Gangsters struggles to achieve much in either department. A turn-based tactical RPG in the XCOM tradition, it's difficult from the very outset to understand quite why it has been given a hard-copy release. Bland menus give way to bland city management overviews, which in turn drill down to bland and slightly unwieldy combat missions.

system Minimum requirement :
OS: Windows XP SP3 32-bit, Vista SP2, Windows 7 , Windows 8
Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Geforce 8800, Radeon HD 2000, Pixel Shader 3.0, 256 MB discrete RAM DirectX®: 9.0c Hard Drive: 5 GB HD space Sound: DirectX compatible

Binary Domain Full Version

The game is a third-person shooter. The player can issue commands to their squad mates either by using buttons or voice via headset.
A major part of the game is the Consequence System. Trust plays a part in the story mode on how the squad views the player. Their opinion of the player is based on how the player performs and treats team members. This affects both the storyline and the gameplay, where the characters behave differently depending on trust levels.
As said above the player can also talk to the characters using a headset, with the game's AI being able to recognize six different languages, including English and Japanese. Director Toshihiro Nagoshi stated that he intends to "create the human drama in the action moments, rather than showing them one after another in cutscenes."

System requirement

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Core2Duo 2.66GHz/AMD X2
Memory: 2GB
Hard disk space: 8GB
 VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GT220/ATI Radeon HD 2600XT

The game is a third-person shooter. The player can issue commands to their squad mates either by using buttons or voice via headset.
A major part of the game is the Consequence System. Trust plays a part in the story mode on how the squad views the player. Their opinion of the player is based on how the player performs and treats team members. This affects both the storyline and the gameplay, where the characters behave differently depending on trust levels.
As said above the player can also talk to the characters using a headset, with the game's AI being able to recognize six different languages, including English and Japanese. Director Toshihiro Nagoshi stated that he intends to "create the human drama in the action moments, rather than showing them one after another in cutscenes."

System requirement

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Core2Duo 2.66GHz/AMD X2
Memory: 2GB
Hard disk space: 8GB
 VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GT220/ATI Radeon HD 2600XT

The game is a third-person shooter. The player can issue commands to their squad mates either by using buttons or voice via headset.
A major part of the game is the Consequence System. Trust plays a part in the story mode on how the squad views the player. Their opinion of the player is based on how the player performs and treats team members. This affects both the storyline and the gameplay, where the characters behave differently depending on trust levels.
As said above the player can also talk to the characters using a headset, with the game's AI being able to recognize six different languages, including English and Japanese. Director Toshihiro Nagoshi stated that he intends to "create the human drama in the action moments, rather than showing them one after another in cutscenes."

System requirement

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Core2Duo 2.66GHz/AMD X2
Memory: 2GB
Hard disk space: 8GB
 VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GT220/ATI Radeon HD 2600XT

The game is a third-person shooter. The player can issue commands to their squad mates either by using buttons or voice via headset.
A major part of the game is the Consequence System. Trust plays a part in the story mode on how the squad views the player. Their opinion of the player is based on how the player performs and treats team members. This affects both the storyline and the gameplay, where the characters behave differently depending on trust levels.
As said above the player can also talk to the characters using a headset, with the game's AI being able to recognize six different languages, including English and Japanese. Director Toshihiro Nagoshi stated that he intends to "create the human drama in the action moments, rather than showing them one after another in cutscenes."

System requirement

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Core2Duo 2.66GHz/AMD X2
Memory: 2GB
Hard disk space: 8GB
 VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GT220/ATI Radeon HD 2600XT

The game is a third-person shooter. The player can issue commands to their squad mates either by using buttons or voice via headset.
A major part of the game is the Consequence System. Trust plays a part in the story mode on how the squad views the player. Their opinion of the player is based on how the player performs and treats team members. This affects both the storyline and the gameplay, where the characters behave differently depending on trust levels.
As said above the player can also talk to the characters using a headset, with the game's AI being able to recognize six different languages, including English and Japanese. Director Toshihiro Nagoshi stated that he intends to "create the human drama in the action moments, rather than showing them one after another in cutscenes."

System requirement

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Core2Duo 2.66GHz/AMD X2
Memory: 2GB
Hard disk space: 8GB
 VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GT220/ATI Radeon HD 2600XT

The Sims 1 Full Version

The Sims is the first game in the series. Developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts, it was released for Microsoft Windows in February 2000. The game uses isometric projection and features open-ended simulation of the daily activities of one or more virtual persons ("Sims") in a suburban area near SimCity. Seven expansion packs and two bonafide deluxe editions with exclusive content have been released for this game. It was repackaged in several different formats and different versions of it were released on several different platforms. By March 22, 2002, The Sims had sold more than 2 million copies worldwide, making it the best-selling P.C. game in history, surpassing Myst. The original game, all seven expansion packs, and the two exclusive deluxe edition content packs constitute the first generation of the series on the P.C. All P.C. releases in this generation were developed by Maxis.


Operating system: windows
Sound card: directx 7.0 compatible
Processor: 233 MHz
Directx: version 7.0
Memory: 64 MB RAM
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Hard Drive: 1.4GB
Graphics: 2MB

Link download The Sims 1 Full Version

The Sims is the first game in the series. Developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts, it was released for Microsoft Windows in February 2000. The game uses isometric projection and features open-ended simulation of the daily activities of one or more virtual persons ("Sims") in a suburban area near SimCity. Seven expansion packs and two bonafide deluxe editions with exclusive content have been released for this game. It was repackaged in several different formats and different versions of it were released on several different platforms. By March 22, 2002, The Sims had sold more than 2 million copies worldwide, making it the best-selling P.C. game in history, surpassing Myst. The original game, all seven expansion packs, and the two exclusive deluxe edition content packs constitute the first generation of the series on the P.C. All P.C. releases in this generation were developed by Maxis.


Operating system: windows
Sound card: directx 7.0 compatible
Processor: 233 MHz
Directx: version 7.0
Memory: 64 MB RAM
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Hard Drive: 1.4GB
Graphics: 2MB

Link download The Sims 1 Full Version

The Sims is the first game in the series. Developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts, it was released for Microsoft Windows in February 2000. The game uses isometric projection and features open-ended simulation of the daily activities of one or more virtual persons ("Sims") in a suburban area near SimCity. Seven expansion packs and two bonafide deluxe editions with exclusive content have been released for this game. It was repackaged in several different formats and different versions of it were released on several different platforms. By March 22, 2002, The Sims had sold more than 2 million copies worldwide, making it the best-selling P.C. game in history, surpassing Myst. The original game, all seven expansion packs, and the two exclusive deluxe edition content packs constitute the first generation of the series on the P.C. All P.C. releases in this generation were developed by Maxis.


Operating system: windows
Sound card: directx 7.0 compatible
Processor: 233 MHz
Directx: version 7.0
Memory: 64 MB RAM
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Hard Drive: 1.4GB
Graphics: 2MB

Link download The Sims 1 Full Version

The Sims is the first game in the series. Developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts, it was released for Microsoft Windows in February 2000. The game uses isometric projection and features open-ended simulation of the daily activities of one or more virtual persons ("Sims") in a suburban area near SimCity. Seven expansion packs and two bonafide deluxe editions with exclusive content have been released for this game. It was repackaged in several different formats and different versions of it were released on several different platforms. By March 22, 2002, The Sims had sold more than 2 million copies worldwide, making it the best-selling P.C. game in history, surpassing Myst. The original game, all seven expansion packs, and the two exclusive deluxe edition content packs constitute the first generation of the series on the P.C. All P.C. releases in this generation were developed by Maxis.


Operating system: windows
Sound card: directx 7.0 compatible
Processor: 233 MHz
Directx: version 7.0
Memory: 64 MB RAM
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Hard Drive: 1.4GB
Graphics: 2MB

Link download The Sims 1 Full Version

The Sims is the first game in the series. Developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts, it was released for Microsoft Windows in February 2000. The game uses isometric projection and features open-ended simulation of the daily activities of one or more virtual persons ("Sims") in a suburban area near SimCity. Seven expansion packs and two bonafide deluxe editions with exclusive content have been released for this game. It was repackaged in several different formats and different versions of it were released on several different platforms. By March 22, 2002, The Sims had sold more than 2 million copies worldwide, making it the best-selling P.C. game in history, surpassing Myst. The original game, all seven expansion packs, and the two exclusive deluxe edition content packs constitute the first generation of the series on the P.C. All P.C. releases in this generation were developed by Maxis.


Operating system: windows
Sound card: directx 7.0 compatible
Processor: 233 MHz
Directx: version 7.0
Memory: 64 MB RAM
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Hard Drive: 1.4GB
Graphics: 2MB

Link download The Sims 1 Full Version